Sunday, August 24, 2008


...apparently it is hot here in AZ. don't let people say the words to you "it's not that bad" because they are either lying or delusional. i am hoping however that the phrase "you get used to it" is an actual truth, not just something people say to woo people out here.

i think what is most strange to me is that when i lived in utah & idaho, during the winters i would look outside, see cold, ice, snow, sleet & hail & think to myself "well that looks miserable, i'm not going out there." then sit down to a nice cup of hot chocolate. but here is the opposite. a wolf in sheep's clothing. a bar of nasty baking chocolate that is wrapped up just like milk chocolate. i look outside, see the lovely sunshine, and think that it would be a fantastic day for a little jaunt to the park. then i get all ready and head out there. only to have the soles of my shoes begin to melt off as soon as they hit the sidewalk.

so instead of avoiding outside activity during winters, i am now avoiding outside during summers. "park days" are held inside until september. at 8 p.m. it's 100 degrees, and that is with the sun down already. so's hot.

...apparently i am no longer at war with smelly lotions. i thought our friendship would never return after practically vomiting each time i had to smell my b&b works body cream, didn't matter which scent. i got to the point of crackling knuckles & dry, tight skin, which was rough. slowly but surely, my sniffer is apparently no longer using nausea as a repellent to not be able to use up my ample supply.

...apparently we have some really fantastic people in our lives (this has been known for some time but i thought i would still mention). i can't tell you how many people, friends & family, have helped us during this past month. we are now here with the goldings and it has been like old times and they are so generous and kind. especially when they don't even mention that i still need my mid-afternoon nap. not to mention the scrumptious meals. apparently we are really lucky. thank you everyone.

...apparently caleb's new phrase is "oh dang it!" anytime he is mad at me, taking his little fist and pounding it on his thigh like he's a big ol' adult. could be worse. apparently he picked up his trash mouth from his dad.

...apparently i have several friends (all of whom i respect) at war with each other over "breaking dawn." i am amazed at how passionate these ladies are! i haven't read it yet (though i have read the spoilers and know what happens but that doesn't ruin it for me. i just couldn't stand not knowing what the big hype was) i mean, i know these vampires/humans-almost-vampires-drinking-blood-through-a-straw are important in our lives but is it worth emailing strangers to bash on their differing opinions? apparently after i do read it, i will NOT be posting my opinion on my blog. i'm not in the mood today to be yelled at (LIKE THIS) from a commenter.

...apparently "flipping out" is one of my new favorite shows. didn't watch much t.v. last year and it's been fun to catch up. apparently zoila is hilarious.

...apparently i am due 3.3.09. which according to the chinese birth calendar, makes this little one a boy. not that i know for sure yet. but come on, did you see the olympics? they know what they're doing over there in china. apparently my hunch was right.

...apparently i was picture tagged by julie. i want you to know i'm not ignoring you by any means. i just don't have a house to take pictures of and right now, and i also can't find our little picture downloader. but maybe when i get a chance, i will do one that is a little non-conventional. apparently i am homeless.

...apparently this is a lengthy blog. i guess i am just making up for lost time. ooh! we've had some updates on our kids at the group home. some good, most not so good. i will update about them on our private blog the next time i sit down at the computer for more than 5 seconds. but it is interesting stuff, as always. apparently though, i don't miss it. (though i do miss the people we worked with) a huge weight has been lifted off of my shoulders since we have left and i think it weighed about the same as 4 teenagers who loved to give us a hard time.


Rachel H. said... that you?! :) HAVE MISSED YOU!

That AZ is one of the places I have said I just didn't know if I could live. You are confirming my thoughts. :)

Hope you adjust...probably doesn't help being preggo right now.

Sending many good thoughts your way...hoping for housing and heat relief...and a healthy little boy (crossing fingers, right?) :)

Andrea said...

I feel silly posting on your blog when you are just feet away sleeping. Dr. Horton says sorry your so hot...hopefully you'll adjust and be hap-hap-happy here...Zoila is waving all sexy like!

Erika said...

yay for march!!

Tui Family said...

Sniff, sniff! This is me crying because apparently you're already in AZ and I still didn't get to see you! =(

The Hunter's said...

I swear you have the funniest posts ever. I forgot how hilarious you are. It will be good to keep in touch with you. Good Luck with the pregnancy and hot weather!!

Cuddlydoll said...

Yea! You made it. I'm sorry that you are miserable in the heat. It is a horrible time to move here but give it a month or'll start to cool down at night.

Hope you are feeling good. Where are you staying? We'll have to get together when you are settled. Or before.


The Pyne's said...

glad to hear you are in AZ safe and sound! I love the phrase you had in there about "it's not that bad" and "you'll get used to it" because you know for the next 5 years we will be getting used to NY temps (and humidity), even though most people have commented it's not THAT bad, but then others say, it's rediculously HOT there. So we'll see. We are going house hunting out there Labor day (1st) through the next monday all while lance is working too. So it's going to be fun (and stressful). Hope we get to see you in the next 5 years. We'll have to coorardinate our comings to UT and meet up, or just actually go to each others houses. Good luck with the job/house thing! And yeah on the due date. Sounds like a good time to have a baby!

Joel and Carrie said...

come on, the az heat isn't that bad. j/k. i remember my first summer i wanted to die. my face melted off and it never really grew back. the winters make up for the summer slack though. it's beautiful 8 months of the year. then the following summer you'll be more "used to it." :)

Mick and Tiff said...

....apparently you are one of the funniest people I have ever met. Thanks for the update. I am sorry it is so miserably hot. I do think I will plan my vacation in the winter. That sounds nice!! I will be thinking of you when I am watching the snow melt drinking my hot chocolate!