she's got the moves
a couple of days ago i set leah on her little play mat. about 10 minutes later, i walked back into the room and couldn't see her, but could hear her. this is where she ended up:
i still can't figure out how she did it. she just turned 5 months on the 27th...we're in for some trouble once she really learns how to crawl.
You SOOOOO don't know what your in for. I mean since caleb was slower at the motor'll see what it's REALLY like to get a CRAZY moving child!!!! JK. and um LOVED the camping pictures and storis. You so know that I'm the same way with all of it. and may I say, you soooo didn't look like you were even camping, with your hair all done and cute clothes on! Seriously though, you LOOK amazing and loved the potty story.....I so would have done the same thing! I love reading your posts because you are hilarious and just write so WELL! =)
The look on her face is priceless.
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