Friday, May 28, 2010


prepared for a good weekend?

so am i!


The Pyne's said...

wow, I never knew what a GREAT architech you were!! That couch fort is seriously the most awesome one I have ever seen. Mine always fall apart, quite quickly, but it could be that I use blankets and not all the couch cushions. I have a new strategy now.....thanks!!!! but alas I am a LAZY mother and have not done a fort in a really LONG time. So I will have to take the time again some day when I feel like it!!! and may I say as always, your little leah is such a cutie pie. I LOVE that pic of her in the swing and her chubby little thighs (eric has lost a lot of his chubbiness, so I LOVE to see her little round arms and legs). Hope you have a fabulous weekend!! =)

Carrie said...

She just lit up my entire family room!