Sunday, October 19, 2008

tummy time

so the day i found out i was pregnant i decided to make a little "pregnancy resolution." is there such a thing? i don't know.

for me, one of the most difficult parts of being pregnant (as lame as this sounds) is the fact that i have to give up sleeping on my stomach. i have never found much success sleeping on either my back or my side. if i'm forced to sleep on something besides my stomach...such as the 6 weeks my jaw had been broken & my mouth was wired shut making things extremely uncomfortable...then i usually just toss and turn, and have a very fitful sleep.

so i was determined that this little alien inside me, whether or not she would cause back pain or stretch marks, would not own me in the sleeping department. i pictured myself 8 months pregnant, on my stomach, with my arms and legs flailing about in the air because my belly was so huge they could no longer touch the bed. like i'm laying on a basketball, right?

for over 5 months now i have fought a good fight. however the past few nights i have succumbed to the realization that i am fighting a losing battle. because even though i've been successful at staying on my stomach, this fiesty little lady (the baby, not myself) has been kicking and punching me like she is trying to record a new tae bo video for billy blanks himself. she does NOT like to be squashed. well guess what? i don't like to feel like i'm going to barf every second of the day but that doesn't seem to matter, now does it?

last night i actually said aloud in frustration, "FINE!" and rolled onto my side. so even though i didn't get to sleep on my stomach, at least the ferocious kicking ceased.

as i was laying there, mad that i had broken my resolution to myself, i thought about an know when you get a pregnancy massage, they put you on the beds with the holes cut out for you to lay your stomach in? well, why not make a mattress like that? it doesn't need to have an actual hole in it, just kind of a caved out place for us stomach sleepers to still get a good night's rest even when we are great with child.

i know i would buy it. anyone else?


Rachel H. said...

Not me! I hate sleeping on my tummy...a side and back sleeper for sure. :) Hope you get comfy...that's the really rough part of pregnancy!

K Harker said...

Okay so I totally am, or was a tummy sleeper until two kids later and massive jaw issue that still has residing side effects on me today any way I have to tell you this story because you will laugh at how desperate I was for some tummy time when I was huge and pregnant with my little J boy....
I took our couch cushions and put two staked high then a space then two more stacked high then right behind it two more stacked for my legs and I laid down on my tummy and let my belly sit between the space and it touched the ground just barely while the rest of me was elevated. C laughed and laughed at me but it felt oh so good! I took a short nap in the living room like that because it felt so good! Give it a try some time :)
If you invent a mattress you can put on top of the bed with a "hole" in it I would totally buy it. Hey maybe you could make so good money with this new invention.

Kristen said...

Lynsey, I love you! I have to be honest, yours is my favorite blog to check! I love the way you write about everything and the way you make me feel as I read what you write! You say it like it is and I'm right there with you! By the way, congratulations on the GIRL! She is going to be beautiful--just like her mom . . . and dad!

Randrea said...

I would take one!! I wasn't really a tummy sleeper until I got pregnant...I don't know why. I wanted to sleep on my tummy soooo bad.

S and RA Beazer said...

what an excellent idea. Develope it and maybe you could be come rich and you could support Bensey in the style he wuld like to be kept in. HaHa

bensey said...

i am totally trying k. harker's idea. RIGHT NOW.

Lauren Horsley said...

Girl, we need to get you hooked up with a body pillow - it's the next best thing to the pregnancy massage table. Sorry to hear you've had to make the switch!

PS - Why wait for the invention to come out? Why not just cut a whole in your real mattress?

Wheat Family said...

Oh I am with you on the tummy time! I am having a hard time not being able to lay FLAT on my tummy. Just yesterday I stacked some pillows to go under my hips and under my chest/ head, then I could lay on my stomach and have that little gap for the belly. It was nice while it lasted. :) When you invent the sleeper, let me know. Maybe it could be something you add on top of your current mattress (like a foam pad). But I do count down to the day I can lay completely flat and have David pop my back!!

Tui Family said...

Ok...not to brag or anything...but I get to sleep on my stomach every night! hehe. Maybe I got in that habit to protect my goods at our sleepovers! (Ok...that sounded perverted!) I am in heaven now that I'm not pregnant any more...and if they made the pregnancy mattress, I'd be first in line to buy it! =)